A downloadable game for Windows

It's the year 2623, a rival star system federation has began invading the solar system by surprise with an overwhelming force.

You are a wallrunning super soldier referred to as a "Legion" and you are tasked with salvaging the military AI "Mintus" for the moon Titan because it was corrupted by a powerful virus unseen by anyone in history. 

You enter a simulation to save it virtually and activate the moon's defenses only to find out that the AI believes it's a child, and the entire simulated world is a mysterious candy environment.


WASD - Move

Jump - Space Bar

Double Jump - Press spacebar twice

Crouch - Left Control

Sprint - Left Shift

Slide - Sprint forward and then Crouch

Wallrun - Constantly apply forward diagonal movement against a wall to wallrun

Left Mouse Button - Shoot weapon

Right Mouse Button - Aim/Zoom

Reload - R

Pickup - E

View Objective - Tab

Pause - Escape or P

Music & Sound Credits:

Eon - Eternity

Eon - Ambient Sci Fi Music

Michael Fitchett - The Duel

Sound Effect by SUBMORITY from Pixabay

Sound Effect by floraphonic from Pixabay

Sound Effect by <a href="<a href=" https:="" pixabay.com="" users="" aiko_changing-30278997="" ?utm_source="link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=183842"">Aiko" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://pixabay.com/users/aiko_changing-30278997/?utm_source=link-attribution&ut...</a> Matsuda from Pixabay

Sound Effect by Jurij from Pixabay

Sound Effect by <a href="<a href=" https:="" pixabay.com="" users="" daviddumaisaudio-41768500="" ?utm_source="link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=185432"">David" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://pixabay.com/users/daviddumaisaudio-41768500/?utm_source=link-attribution...</a> Dumais from Pixabay

Sound Effect by <a href="<a href=" https:="" pixabay.com="" users="" samuelfrancisjohnson-1207793="" ?utm_source="link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=111933"">Samuel" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://pixabay.com/users/samuelfrancisjohnson-1207793/?utm_source=link-attribut...</a> F. Johanns from Pixabay

Sound Effect from Pixabay

Sound Effect by <a href="<a href=" https:="" pixabay.com="" users="" gregorquendel-19912121="" ?utm_source="link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=200829"">Gregor" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://pixabay.com/users/gregorquendel-19912121/?utm_source=link-attribution&ut...</a> Quendel from Pixabay

Sound Effect by StudioKolomna from Pixabay

Sound Effect by Samuel F. Johanns from Pixabay

Sound Effect by Samuel F. Johanns from Pixabay


Eye_Candy.zip 915 MB
Whitebox_Eye-Candy.zip 498 MB
NewGamePlus.zip 897 MB